Hero Appreciations
Two days ago, I hurt. Yesterday, I slept. Today, I am grateful.
I want to take a moment to thank a few unsung heroes who made my rookie CTR attempt special. In semi-order of appearance:
Justin Simpson: A super nice CTR vet I met on the first day. You were the first guy to chat when everyone else (including me) was nerved up and gogo-mode. Not sure if you are still out there. I can only imagine the hell you endured on the way to Silverton. I’m rooting for you buddy!
Cameron Bristol: Another friendly face on the over-amped first day. Thanks for pointing out the Wellington Lake Campground re-supply. I would never have known and that turned out to be critical for me getting through the Hayden burn. Thanks for helping a rookie and congrats on your second finish!
Cameron Swengel: We first met in the pouring rain at the base of Copper. It was our co-decision to go over Searle and Kokomo at night, in the pouring rain, that really saved my race. It was a moment of exponential growth for me that probably would not have been possible without you and John there. Thanks for waiting when I went over the bars on the Kokomo descent. I know you were freezing. It meant a lot. I was just a bit off your pace after that, but it was always a lift to see your smiling face and positive attitude riding out into the next storm.
Connor Adkisson: You were so fast and nimble that I can’t quite add up how we got to share so many meals together. I’m sure glad we did! I enjoyed your company and light-hearted attitude towards the race. But it made me happiest to finally watch you swashbuckle your way up the Molas ledges and out of sight. I saw what you did that last night… actually the last three days. Legendary stuff. You’re a 4-day guy if you wanna be. You know that right? Go get it bro!
Marco Capote: You were the guy that, in my low moments, would suddenly materialize from no-where and slap me back to life. There is one moment in particular that I remember vividly. I was sucking wind at the beginning of Sargents Mesa when you appeared (from the forest as near as I can tell). We chit-chatted about the weather for a minute, you muttered something irreverent, out-gimped me up the next hill, and were gone. It was exactly what I needed. I really enjoyed your sense of humor. Thanks for the picture and pizza at the finish line!
Brad & Annette at Cathedral Ranch Cabins: I almost didn’t stop but I’m so glad I did. I was amazed how thoughtfully you’d stocked your store for the racers. I picked up some much-needed calories, but more memorable, the unexpected handshake from Brad and big-ole mom-hug send-off from Annette buoyed me up Slumgullion Pass in the dark. Love you guys! I’ll be back with my family.
John Phelps: What can I say. The trail spontaneously brought us together for so many core moments. Searle & Koko at night in a storm, outmarching death by frozen hell on Coney-Cataract, and the entire last 24 hours. It was never spoken, but we were “Ride or Die” by the end. I’ll remember you as John “the Pirate” for your penchant to raid high places, at night, during storms, with nothing but your pet weasel and shower curtain cape/sleep system. You’re a good man John. Thanks for your companionship.
My Forever Steed: A one-of-a-kind Wayward crafted of Valyrian steel by the good people at Why Cycles. Thank you for carrying me safely through the mountains with no mechanicals. Your namesake, “Badger” was delivered by spirit animal, along with a much more important message, at a decisive moment in our race. Though you are now retired from the CTR (my old knees are telling me I need a full-squish next time), I promise to never put you out to pasture.
The Colorado Trail: You showed me so many beautiful moments, then pulled my bike shorts over my face and stuffed my head in the toilet… OVER, and OVER, and OVER again. Thanks for searing me to the core and forging something new… hopefully better. We’ll find out.
Jefe Branham: Thanks so much for un-organizing this horseplay. It was so very hard, but I truly had the time of my life. I see why you put so much love into it. Thank you a thousand times. I hope we’ll get to meet down the road.
Susan Annabel: Thank you for working past the epic eyerolls to the understanding this was an important part of my journey. You led my best cheering squad, much as you have every day of our lives together. Thanks for being our “rock” and a check on my “roll.” Love you always! Now, about next year…
Love to all and long live the CTR!
Marco (fore) and John (rear) at the Coney Summit high point of the Colorado Trail (13,270’).
For those unfamiliar…
The Colorado Trail Race (CTR) is a solo, self-supported, ultra-endurance mountain bike race through the Colorado High Country. There is no entry fee, no aid, no support, and no prize for finishing. You might think of it as a “Cannonball Run” for mountain bikers, except it’s legal, and infinitely harder…